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The whole nine - Picture This - 8 1/2, book - Review
Essence, Dec, 2001 by Patrick Henry Bass

Fashion and celeb photographer Daniela Federici's 81/2 (Edition Stemmle, $65) is an exquisite collection of her finest work. Federici presents fabulous images of such stars as Halle Berry and a variety of recognizable Black models, whose beauty shines through in every elegant portrait.

"No one should ever underestimate the value of photographs and their importance to us in documenting who we are as a people," says Patrik Henry Bass, ESSENCE associate editor of Books and Now! He discusses what the family album means in "In Our Own Image"(page 130).

COPYRIGHT 2001 Essence Communications, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group

Bibliography for "The whole nine - Picture This - 8 1/2, book - Review"
Patrick Henry Bass "The whole nine - Picture This - 8 1/2, book - Review". Essence. Dec 2001. FindArticles.com. 13 Oct. 2006.

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