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Painting a Watercolor Portrait of a Boy
Watercolor portrait painting demonstration

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Proceed to the details

learn how to paint a watercolor portrait painting of a child from photo with Yong

With mostly red and burnt umber, I worked into the middle tones. I didn't stay working in one area for long. I usually spend 10 seconds here, then 10 seconds there. It is important to keep your attention on the overall painting, paying attention to the color temperature and balance while you work into the smaller areas.

Now it's the time finally do the final touch to the eyes, the mouth and the area of the ear.

In the background, I used a light wash of blue and burnt umber without mixing, to the left side. For the right side, I used yellow and burnt umber and a little of blue. This would make the background enhance the main subject of the portrait painting.

Things to remember:

  1. Do not get into the details too early
  2. If you feel that you can not proceed, but you don’t feel the painting is finished, take a break. Walk away from the painting. When you return, you will see something new to paint.
  3. Step back and take a look at the overall painting often.

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