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Painting a Home Portrait in Watercolor
Watercolor landscapt painting demonstration

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Preparation and Drawings

Let's learn how to paint a house portrait watercolor painting Yong's way

Drawing for a house portrait watercolor painting

The first step in the process was to visit the house. After I learn the stories of what has happened there, the house becomes a home — a home with memories, a home that each family member wants to remember through the painting I am about to create.

This first step is very important. It helps me to establish the emotional connection with my subject. Now is the time to choose the angle and composition for the painting.

Next, I made several sketches of the location. See the top sketch for the composition I selected as the basis for the painting. I then took digital photos to capture the details for reference later as I work in my studio.

Using the sketch and the digital photos, I made a detailed pencil drawing.

After I had finished with the drawing, I mixed paint colors and made small paint samples on another sheet of paper to determine the colors I wanted to use for the portrait.

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