Original watercolor painting

A Simple Watercolor Christmas Greeting Card
This free lesson provided by Mary Churchill
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watercolor painting for Christmas greeting card

watercolor painting for Christmas greeting card

I do not wet my card paper because it is so small and my paints are wet. I like to use flat brushes with sharp edges for this type of project. I always use quality paints, as these to have more life than children’s paints.

As a rule, I keep the colors simple (red, blue and yellow) and mix to get the colors I need. However, additional colors can enhance the image. For example, “Paynes Grey” is useful for shadows where the subject is white. I use “Burnt Sienna” for wood objects or for dirt. The sky in this image is made with “Cerulean Blue” and “Cobalt Blue”.

Remember, things reflect colors from and onto each other. I often load multiple colors on to my brush for a soft, blended effect.

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