Original watercolor painting

Simple Watercolor Painting for a Gift Card (A Series)
artist Mary ChurchillStep-by-step watercolor floral painting demonstration
This free lesson provided by Mary Churchill
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Free Watercolor Lesson: Simple Watercolor Painting for a Gift CardThis exercise is a small bunch of daisies.

Start with a strong drawing.   Notice the position and shapes of the demo card.

When you are satisfied with the drawing, start with painting the background.  I used the yellow first to get the solid base.  Next, it is obvious that daisies need to be framed by the color around them.  I do one color and let each color dry before going to the next. I actually liked using turquoise color for this painting.  I will use a soft stroke to soften the edges as one color touches the other.

It is time to paint in the stems and any leaves.  This is the time that all finishing touches will be completed.

The yellow of the center of the daisies will need to dry well before the tiny dark parts around, and some loosely inside the center are painted.


If a Vellum message is to be attached, use a bone folder to fold a 3⁄4 “ flap for the glue.  I put the glue on my finger and use glue very lightly so it doesn’t buckle the vellum.

FINALLY, on the very back of this card, mark the name of your painting on one line, etc.:  “DAISIES FOR MARGIE”

                    Your name
Made especially for you on your Birthday

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