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Watercolor Lesson: Painting a Yellow Apple

Wet-into-Wet Wash in the Apple Area
In this step, I first use wet-into-wet to apply wet colors, one after another into the apple area. Using wet-into-wet technique will create smooth transitions between each wet colors.

I first mix the yellow with a bit of red, and wash it to the light side (which is the right hand side) of the apple, then apply a darker color to the shadow side.

Use lifting-off technique to create the soft highlight by lightly blot off some color from the paper with my brush. Be sure to avoid the access paint from dripping down the paper. This can be down easily by using a dry brush (use two fingers to squeeze off most water from the brush) to suck of the extra paint at the bottom area.

After you finish this step, you will need to wait for a few minutes until the paper is dried, before proceeding to the next step.

Continue painting a Yellow Apple in watercolor: Next Step >
Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, Step 6. Step 7,

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